
Lake Kolon

The Ringing Station at Lake Kolon. There is a website, where one can get more information about the site: http://www.kolon-to.com/ - its English version is under construction. The phone number is correct on the site, so it is worth to call them.

In Hungary there are circa 12 ringing stations. This one is close to me as I started my birder life there. There are 12 net position in the reed. The station works pretty well and the people who do the ringing are very friendly and helpful. There are plenty visitors and so I'm not sure it is so good for the professionals.

Even in wintertime one can sleep on the site as there are heating facility and beds. I would say 10-20 people can stay there without problem and in the garden a lot more in tents. Of course for the job a lot less people is enough. I'm pretty sure though that it is not bad for site to be known and loved by citizen who live in cities rather than the countryside.

 The ringing activity dates back at the begining of the XXth century. It was originally created to follow bird migration. In my opionion it is now not relevant as radio tags can do the job instead of the aluminum rings.

 Troglodytes troglodytes - Eurasian wren

 The house was built not very long ago. This time of the year is so colourful and it is definately worth to see it.

Not much information board is saying that is is actually a Ramsar site however it belongs also the Kiskunsági National Park (http://knp.nemzetipark.gov.hu/index.php?lang=en) and has many other nature conservation status.

 There is kitchen, bathroom and many volunteers. This time of the year not too many birds but rarity can be catched with a bit of luck. I'm not going after rare species I'm also happy to see the most common ones.

 A marsh near the site, in the forest.

 The lake Kolon was cover with reed and was under agricultural pressure some time ago. The view on this picture is brand new as it was only last year that the did some bottom dredging.

Not many birds yet but worth to go there anyway. No swimming in the lake!

Nice couple!
