

I only partly explored this Ramsar area. I arrived by car from Kiskunfélegyháza, passing through Tömörkény. I found an entry just after leaving the town bord of Csanytelek. It is also possible to come here by coach from the bus station of Szeged. 

There was a barrier but I could pass through. Actually the lake I walked around is probably a fishing lake. Lake Csaj, is pretty famous of its bird fauna and this is the one next to the lake I was exploring. There was plenty of wildfowl and bird of prey as well. Birds were timid and flew away straight away as they heard me.

Urtica diocica - Common nettle

It was easy to walk here. I also heard about a photo hide in the middle of the lake but I did not have time to go there. Probably next time!

The water level is artificially regulated I believe. This time of the year it was seemingly quite high.

Birds are laying eggs at this time and for some, chick are already could be hatched.

I have seen:
  1. Vanellus vanellus - Lapwing
  2. Anser anser - Greyleg goose
  3. Egretta alba - Great Egret
  4. Anas platyrchynchos - Mallard
  5. Fulica atra - Coot


Kelemen-szék, Fülöpszállás

This site is complex and composed of several different natron lakes. Kelemen-szék is one of my favorite. It is close to Fülöpszállás, which was an important commune for the Kuns (Cumans in English), who arrived to Hungary in the 13th century after being invited by Béla IV, an important King of the Hungarians.

Here you can see the road, that leads us into the territory. It is quite bumpy but possible to drive on. The table on the lefts signifies the edge of the protected land. For some further details please search; www.termeszetvedelem.hu / http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/index.php?pg=menu_1729.

The nature trail isn't open at the moment but local birders can intorduce the site for interested individuals. 

It is not untouched and anthropogenic influence is present but still the bird life is immense and worth to go there any time of the year.

Buffalo farm.

Agricultural land.

This is already the very edge of the site. The lakes are temporary and the water level changes according to the yearly rain fall. 

There are one high stand in the middle of the area and it is wonderful to see everything from the very top. The land belongs to the Kiskunsági National Park (pictures are available for the Stork Road Show in Bács-Kiskun county).

These lakes serve as a perfect dining table for waders. I saw the following species during our visit:
Recurvirostra avosetta - Pied Avocet
Tringa totanus - Common Redshank
Circus aeruginosus - Marsh Harrier

Geese feces. There are immense flocks wintering here from October until the end of the rough days.