If I can choose a site at the end of this tour I might end up chosing Pacsmag. It is remote, difficult to get close so no major disturbance! It was not easy at all to find it and we had to ask the directions two times but eventually we were there. Agricultural land surrounds the place so I actually could hear some talking when we were on site.
Corn fileds near the wetlands.
A channel leading to the lakes.
There were several high stands on our way. I climed up to one of them and looked around. The area is hilly and green. Forested and planted with cereal mainly. I imagine it is well fertilized, so runoffs from those lands could certainly affect water quality.
Whose boat is this? Next time if I'm there I will take it for a ride!
I might have seen a mammal jumping into the water and I have certainly seen a snake, probably Grass Snake (Natrix natrix).
Wildlife and birds are abundant here. If I am not mistaken there is a Red List species in this photo: Aythya nyroca, Ferruginous Duck. I like this bird a lot! Never held it in my hands though.
The roads are rough but no traffic jam!