

This lake is famous of its ecotourism also I heard quite a few foreigners, while we looked around. Tisza is the second largest river in Hungary and its floodplain was huge before the river became regulated. One of the largest and oldest national parks in Hungary is the Hortobágy National Park and the lake is on their territory.

I wouldn't say it is a totally undisturbed area but still it is a heaven for waterbirds. There are organized bird watching tours on the lake with small boats like this on the photo above. The name of the boat is: Madarász, which means ornithologist.
Tour guides are available by several different organizations but one has to pay to go on the lake with them. I would say, the best way is to wonder around is to hire a canoe. 

Wild life is one of the central point of the tourism and so sensitive sites are not open for the public. On the other hand, waterway are busy and powerboats are loud. 

One of the best known Hungarian snack is the Lángos and it was perfect at the buffet of Poroszló.

The lake is also recognized as a tourist attraction and it is possible to have a little swim in it. It was free to enter the beach but this is not the case everywhere around the lake.

Fishing activity is allowed but a ticket must be purchased before shooting our hook in the water!

Highways and motorways are farther on so I wouldn't say it is a major source of disturbance.

Information boards are available almost everywhere around the lake. There are several towns in the proximity of the lake, we only made a stop at Poroszló. The city has all the facility to pack you up for a longer stay, wifi connection is available even in small places like the Lángos Buffet.

I have seen mallards (A. platyrchynchos), black-headed gulls (L. ridibundus) and I thought I've seen a little gull (Hydrocoloeus minutus) but it was most probably whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybrida).
Swans were absent but barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) were flying vividly around.

This young 'fisher-boy', whose chair is vacant on my picture, catched several brown bullheads (Ameiurus nebulosus).


The ecocenter was opened a few years ago and it seems to be success to me. I believe, Hungary could be a place for ecotourism. I took a photo of the entrance fees so one can imagine the prices in Hungary.

That is my last photo of the area. I had a good sight to a juvenile common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) from this spot.

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